An amusing and useful story on MSNBC starts: “After 15 pleasant years with the same person, Marcia David started seeing someone else. As se...
The Ethics of International Public Health Collaborations
For the past three years I have had the privilege of being able to study the Indian Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS (INP+), an idea...
A Needed Speech about Health Care Rationing
The October “ Election 2008 ” survey from the invaluable Kaiser Family Foundation election tracking project sent me to my file cabinet. In J...
Cancer survival, complexity, and ethics
Soon-to-be-published research on depression and cancer survival allows us to sharpen our thinking about the link between psychology and ethi...
Google, Nielsen, Health Care Limits, and Primary Care
Yesterday’s New York Times reported on a partnership between Google and the Nielsen company. The article made me worry even more than usual...
Information Technology, Ethics and Integrity
Today I learned about and visited IT expert John Halamka’s new blog – “ Life as a Healthcare CIO .” It is a very interesting site, and while...
Spurious Reasoning about Pharmaceutical Ethics
A recent New York Times Op Ed by Peter Pitts, President of the controversial Center for Medicine in the Public Interest , attacks the idea ...
Globalism and medical ethics
This morning my Google Alert for "medical ethics" brought an article about patient-doctor mediation to my attention. The creator o...
Ethics, Democracy, and Teen Age Birth Control
If you don’t already know that on Wednesday night the Portland, Maine school board voted to allow prescription of birth control without pare...
Nike, Barney Frank, and Health Care Rationing
Every society rations health care. Even in a country as wealthy as the U.S. there are more good things that could be done than we are prepar...
An Organizational Ethics Decision-Making Process
To my chagrin I only recently came upon Bill Nelson’s elegantly practical article “ An Organizational Ethics Decision-Making Process .” The ...
Resolving Moral Conflict about the Homeless
When I saw the title “ Los Angeles to Permit Sleeping on Sidewalks ” in yesterday’s New York Times, my first thought was “Oh no – the city’s...
Celebrities, Privacy, Punishment & Mercy
A New York Times article “ Hospital Workers Punished for Peeking at Clooney File ” reports that 27 employees of Palisades Medical Center in ...
Virtual Reality and the Ethics of Cyberspace
A recent Washington Post article “ Real Hope in aVirtual World " tells how “rehabilitation” in cyberspace has helped Susan Brown , a 5...
Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies, Fishy Advocacy
This morning Science Daily , a website "for the latest research news” wrote “A Maternal Nutrition Group comprised of top professors of ...
Managing Long Term Care Insurance
A new national battle about managed care is starting to emerge. This time the combat will be about how insurers market and manage long term ...
Should Sex-Change Surgery be Tax Deductible?
Rhiannon O’Donnabhain, a 64 year old former construction engineer, is suing the IRS for denying a tax refund for sex-change surgery. The IRS...