A note came with the most recent issue of "Organizational Ethics" announcing that publication was ending. The explanation was - ...
Business Ethics and Comparative Effectiveness in Health Care
Although no one designing a health system from scratch would create the hodge podge of employer-based insurance and thousands of insurance c...
Henry Paulson and Health System Trust
The national debate about Secretary Paulson's bailout proposal offers some lessons for the health system. Here are three that jump out f...
Genomics, Google, and Medical Ethics
The topic for the next meeting of the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care (a not for profit health insurer in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine...
Should Health Insurance Cover Services for Autism - an Ethical Analysis
A whole course in health system ethics could be built around the issues raised by an article in yesterday's Boston Globe about insuranc...
Catholic Medical Ethics and Medical Student Idealism
As I wrote in a post last September, except for the area of reproductive ethics, I'm a big fan of Catholic Medical Ethics, especially t...
Comparative Effectiveness of Antipsychotic Medications for Children and Adolescents
As a member of the American Psychiatric Association, I get a daily feed of news about psychiatry and mental health. The story today is ...
Business Ethics, Medical Ethics and Autism
How does a society make ethical progress with regard to stigmatized health conditions like autism? Advocacy helps. Preaching, as by the prop...
Medical Tourism and Medical Ethics - At Home and Abroad
I'm a clinician and an academic. For insights into medical ethics, health policy and the health system, I typically turn to case reports...
Health Plans, Health Care Costs, and Medical Ethics
This week I had occasion to review the eight page report from the July meeting of the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Ethics Advisory Group (whi...
From Mental Health Patient to Peer Counselor
Last week I received a letter from a former patient - someone I first met during my residency who now lives elsewhere in the country - descr...
Oregon Moves Ahead with Health Care Reform
On September 3 the Oregon Health Fund Board (OHFB) posted a draft of its health care reform proposal - "Aim High: Building a Healthy O...
Recovery from Stroke, Medical Ethics, and Hope
Recent articles in the New York Times and Boston Globe guided me to an important, rather technical article in the journal Stroke - "...
Cancer, Pregnancy and Medical Ethics
Yesterday's New York Times Magazine has an excellent article by Pamela Paul - "With Child, With Cancer" - about the clinical ...