President Obama's lobbying efforts with governors may be smart politics, but they show the sad state of ethical discourse with regard to...

President Obama's lobbying efforts with governors may be smart politics, but they show the sad state of ethical discourse with regard to...
This summer I'm doing some writing on the ethics of medical professionalism. I reread an article by David Rothman, published in the New...
I'm in the Green Mountains of Vermont now, where my wife teaches for 7 weeks at Middlebury College's Bread Loaf School of English . ...
I've taken the liberty of copying two letters from today's New York Times. The AMA's ongoing resistance to progressive reforms h...
It's looking more and more as if the health reform legislation that the President wants to see emerging from Congress this summer will i...
With funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Boston is starting an "open notes" stu...
In the business section of today's New York Times, economics columnist David Leonhardt has the best short discussion of rationing I...
We're entering the sound bite period of health care reform. Frank Luntz, the guru of Republican phraseology and the ventriloquist behind...
I've always had trouble with the second paragraph of the Hippocratic Oath : To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parent...
Last fall I wrote about how the Hannaford supermarket chain was offering incentives to employees to have procedures like hip and knee replac...
Driving to my office this morning I was brought to tears by an NPR story about Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish. Dr. Abuelaish is an OB-GYN physician...
In yesterday's post I argued that we should create - and hold to - a budget for our heath system. Today's news shows how difficult...
The national debate about health care is heating up rapidly. We're already hearing a lot about whether we'll have the political will...
Before yesterday's graduation, half of the Harvard MBA class signed an oath , promising "to create value responsibly and ethically....
By good luck I was in my car shortly after noon yesterday and heard the NPR program Here and Now . Host Robin Young interviewed Miriam Kleim...
In order to assert the sanctity of life, an abortion opponent murdered Dr. George Tiller, one of only three physician providers of late term...