In the aftermath of yesterday's two main votes in the U.S. Senate Finance Committee against including various types of public option in ...

In the aftermath of yesterday's two main votes in the U.S. Senate Finance Committee against including various types of public option in ...
This morning's New York Times reports that legislators in a dozen states are launching a rebellion against the possibility of a mandate...
The Kaiser Family Foundation is out with its September poll , which I think is interesting to look at for a few reasons. First, Kaiser has ...
A colleague recently asked me this question: What do you think about therapists going to a patient's Facebook site if that site is open ...
Medicine 3.0 recently cited this blog as one of the top 50 health policy blogs. I appreciated the honor, and also appreciated learning about...
A new survey of 1,200 respondents total "in ninety-one swing [congressional] districts (Blue Dog, Frontline, and Rural Caucus House di...
In the July/August issue of the Hastings Center Report , John Hardwig, professor of philosophy at the University of Tennessee, offers guidan...
The political fortunes of the Republican party have been heading south in recent years, both literally and figuratively. A Daily Kos/Resear...
Over coffee I read in this morning's New York Times about how Mercy Medical Center , an acute care hospital in Merced, California, allo...
Between 1997 and 2004, Medicare spending on cancer drugs rose by 267% compared to an overall rise in Medicare spending of 47%. With an aging...
Baucus Health Plan Senator Baucus of Montana broke away from his committee to present his approach to a United States health care overhaul. ...
Observers of political survey research are no doubt familiar with the concept of a "bounce," the lift in polling numbers a preside...
Our national approach to health reform is likely to draw on the reform process Massachusetts launched in 2006. By the measuring rod of cover...
CBS News released a poll this morning, which seeks to gauge the effects of President Obama's Wednesday night speech on health care refo...
Daily Kos contributor DemFromCT provides an overview of initial polling after President Obama's health care speech last night (note tha...
President Obama hit a home run last night. His speech brought together the three roles we need our president to take in the health reform pr...
Many political analysts have been framing tonight's health care reform speech by President Obama in terms of his need to appeal to diffe...
Wendell Potter, who retired last April from his job as head of communications for the CIGNA health insurance company, has been in the news s...
NOTE: This page is being continually updated beyond its original posting on 9/4, whenever I become aware of new state-specific polls. Wher...
To listen to the vitriol regarding health care reforms for Americans, you would think we were in the civil war again. I have noticed a numbe...
I recently saw two articles pop up, independently of each other, that address the question of consumers' satisfaction with health care p...
In the course of trying to understand the eruption of rage against the non-existent "death panels" in the emerging health reform b...
Two newly released polls suggest that the vigorous (some would say "over the top") protests at congressional lawmakers' August...
CBS News has released a new health care poll (in the field August 27-31), focusing on respondents' self-perceived understanding of the ...
I'm still jet lagged from 2 1/2 weeks in Europe, so when I woke up in the dark this morning I sought out the online New York Times for s...