On October 3, Grady Hospital in Atlanta closed its dialysis clinic. Grady committed itself to cover the cost of dialysis for three months fo...

On October 3, Grady Hospital in Atlanta closed its dialysis clinic. Grady committed itself to cover the cost of dialysis for three months fo...
OptumHealth , a division of UnitedHealthGroup , will soon be offering a web-based platform for connecting patients and doctors by video. Whe...
An article about the cost of end-of-life care in this morning's New York Times focuses on the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. UCLA ha...
This fall I was asked to discuss a case for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Mortality and Morbidity Rounds - a web-based pati...
We're in the end game of health care reform. As I said in my last post , we're seeing real debate in the Senate, but - unfortunately...
Early this week, word began filtering down from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) that all semblance of the public option (opt-out, t...
I've just read " Health Care Reform - A Republican View ," by Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley, in today's online edition of th...
Florida's Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee was recently asked the following question: Whether a judge may add lawyers who may appear b...
As many observers have noted, support in public opinion polls for the overall health care reform bills before Congress has slipped several p...
David Leonhardt, economics columnist for the New York Times, continues to do superb reporting and analysis of our health system. Print journ...
Pollster.com's Mark Blumenthal has an essay today on the recent decline in support for general health care reform, with a focus on the ...
Professions are occupations that society believes (a) serve vital human needs, (b) require a high level of knowledge, judgment and skill, (c...
Yesterday I attended a goodbye party for Dr. Marylou Buyse, who has been President and CEO of the Massachusetts Association of Health Plans ...
Bruce Bullen, interim CEO at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, recently made this proposal for the financing of health care reform on his " ...
I've been meeting with a number of organizations to help them develop new ways to deal with the ethical dimensions of their activities. ...
Bring It On 2010 With the country seemingly fomenting from one crisis to the next this past year, many of us are looking forward to a new be...