Reed Abelson's article in today's New York Times should be required reading for all those who want to put the kibosh on the reform ...

Reed Abelson's article in today's New York Times should be required reading for all those who want to put the kibosh on the reform ...
By Jan Werner (With Jan's permission, I am reprinting a commentary originally distributed to the American Association for Public Opinion...
It's almost two weeks since I did my last blog post. Even when I was in India for a month last year I wrote more than that. My teaching ...
With President Obama preparing to release a new version of the health care reform plan in advance of Thursday's bipartisan summit on th...
This week a Massachusetts jury found Carolyn Riley guilty of second degree murder for causing the death of her four year old daughter Rebecc...
It only took the jury one hour and a single vote to to acquit nurse Anne Mitchell, against whom a vengeful sheriff and prosecutor had brough...
In the aftermath of Republican Scott Brown's win in the Massachusetts special election for U.S. Senate and with support in national publ...
The most recent issue of the American Journal of Managed care features an interesting article on "Consumer Experience with a Tiered Phy...
Tomorrow nurse Anne Mitchell, formerly compliance officer at Winkler County Memorial Hospital in West Texas, will go on trial for "misu...
Medical Tourism or the exportation of health care services and procedures is in full swing in the United States consumer driven health care ...