Against the background of overheated, duplicitous rhetoric from the Republican right/Tea Party set, a recent op-ed by Massachusetts State S...

Against the background of overheated, duplicitous rhetoric from the Republican right/Tea Party set, a recent op-ed by Massachusetts State S...
So how can we understand the virulent backlash against the health reform legislation? I see two distinctive but inseparable sources for the ...
How Insurance Companies, Employers, and Insureds will fare under the PPAC Act Some of the legislators think the healthcare reform bill, sign...
Listening to some of the law makers you would think the healthcare reform bill, signed by President Obama was an apocalypse now, rather than...
With today's signing of the main health care reform bill by President Obama (photo above from ), I now officially put thi...
Hi, While you seniors are intersessioning, you might want to check out the three new lectures that WHEP has created this year - Gender Diffe...
Whew! I must say I am surprised that any agreement was reached on a healthcare bill, but President Obama was presented with a bill and he si...
Now that the House of Representatives has passed the health reform bill, it's a good moment to consider the relationship between ethics ...
Congratulation WH Pathwayers (Maire, Edwina, Tikki, Orion, Caroline, Kristin, Neha, Nancy, Erin, Kelly and Jennifer) and Honorary Pathwayers...
Yesterday Republican Governor Otter signed the " Idaho Health Freedom Act " - a bill whose purpose is: "[to codify] as state ...
Just a day after the release of the Independent Women's Forum/Polling Company survey of swing congressional districts (see Monday's ...
After reading the final sentence of my most recent post on health reform, friends asked me what I'd been smoking: "Therefore, sinc...
A new poll was released today, purporting to show that voters in swing congressional districts are heavily opposed to the health care reform...
As health care reform approaches crunch time in the U.S. House, recent national polling seems to suggest more favorable public attitudes to...
I'm ashamed to say that I'd never heard of the Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood (CCFC) or its suit against Baby Einstein , ...
The Virginia legislature is about to pass a bill that would prohibit mandating citizens to have medical insurance or pay what they call a ...
Like municipalities all over the country, Massachusetts cities and towns are going down the financial tubes. Health care costs for municipal...