Physicians and teachers are the focus of a major societal effort to reward excellence, encourage improvement, and weed out poor performers. ...

Physicians and teachers are the focus of a major societal effort to reward excellence, encourage improvement, and weed out poor performers. ...
Suggestions for Amending the 2010 Health Care Reforms Now that the teeth gnashing is on-going over proposed changes to the health care refor...
Readers who have followed the controversy within the Catholic Church over the abortion done at St. Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix to save ...
The national debate about health reform has been dominated by sloganeering. Polling suggests that the public does not understand the drivers...
This month the British Medical Journal (BMJ) published a three part series by Brian Deer, detailing the fraud by which Dr. Andrew Wakefield ...
Randy Cohen, who writes "The Ethicist" column for the New York Times, is my ego ideal for this blog. I admire his down to earth,hu...
I just came upon this post by Paul Levy, who until recently was CEO of the Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, about Harvard Pilgrim Health Car...
On Tuesday, by voting to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), all 242 Republicans in the House of Representatives pr...
On May 27, 2010 Vermont Act 128 - "An act relating to health care financing and universal access to health care in Vermont" - was...
The Associated Press reported today that Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Ohio, Wisconsin and Wyoming, all with Republican Attorneys General, have join...
I've been pouring over an Associated Press-GfK poll done last week on health care reform. Overall support for (40%) and opposition to (...
This month's issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry has a fascinating clinical discussion - "Perspectives on 'Sacred Momen...
In the December issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry, an article on "National Trends in Outpatient Psychotherapy" and an a...
I'm in Washington DC for three days of meetings of an Institute of Medicine committee whose assignment is to advise Secretary Sebelius o...
The most interesting research study you may ever read about was published last month in PLoS - "Placebos without Deception: A Randomiz...
With regard to the abortion done for a patient who was 11 weeks pregnant and on a rapid trajectory towards death from pulmonary hypertension...
With the just-sworn-in Republican majority in the U.S. House poised to pass a repeal of last year's health care reform legislation (such...
Two days ago I described the current moment in Massachusetts Health Care Reform as "crunch time," with a number of tough choices ...
Below is the City of Philadelphia's Sexual Assault Complaint Form for those interested in checking it out. The actual document is 10 pag...
The time has come for Massachusetts to walk the talk of health care reform. We've done a good job with the easier part - increasing acce...
Hi, Thanks for joining me at Grand Rounds. As promised here's the resource listing I mentioned. I've listed the 'what can I use ...