In 2009 I had the privilege of spending two days at the Swami Vivekananda Hospital in Saragur, India. (See here for a post about my visit.)...

In 2009 I had the privilege of spending two days at the Swami Vivekananda Hospital in Saragur, India. (See here for a post about my visit.)...
Vincent Lachina from Seattle Multi-Faith Works will speak this Friday at the monthly meeting of the NW LGBT Senior Care Providers Networ...
Mark Blumenthal reviews current polling on health care reform, now roughly a year after the landmark legislation passed.
Discerning Hospital Quality The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS) now requires health quality measures for specific clinical se...
The uproar in Massachusetts about the golden parachute given to the former Blue Cross Blue Shield CEO that I posted about two weeks ago ref...
OLOC Presents: A Regional Gathering of Old Lesbians July 28-31, 2011 in Tacoma, WA The theme is Community • Visibility • Action. Keynote Sp...
On February 19, during the protests against Governor Scott Walker's union-busting proposal, a video appeared showing physicians offerin...
Canadian blogger Oleh Iwanyshyn takes a critical look at polling during the U.S. health care reform debate.
For the moment, Massachusetts is the jawboning center of the U.S. health system. We in the U.S. are can-do activists. If there's a probl...
What kind of care do women in college need? They need acute care for viral infections, skin problems, and minor sports-related injuries. The...
A story on the front page of today's New York Times caught my eye - "Talk Doesn't Pay, So Psychiatry Turns Instead to Drug The...
Unions, employers, legislators, and the public erupted with anger at the announcement that Cleve Killingsworth, the former CEO and Presiden...