I recently received these questions about doctor-patient sex with a plastic surgeon: My married sister's plastic surgeon called to give...

I recently received these questions about doctor-patient sex with a plastic surgeon: My married sister's plastic surgeon called to give...
Money and power can also lead to ethical collapse. A sad story today's New York Times tells how Dr. Sidney Gilman, a respected teacher ...
A recent report from the Oliver Wyman consulting firm - " The ACO Surprise " - argues that ACOs are on the verge of triggering a ...
I'm a staunch New England liberal/yellow dog Democrat. And I support Howard Dean's organization - Democracy for America . But I shud...
There were two letters to the editor in today's Boston Globe about the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine's decision to...
The Foundation for Women's Wellness (FWW) is currently seeking applications for medical students (MD and/or PhD, residents and fellows i...
The Boston Globe recently reported that the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine revoked the license of Dr. Gary Brockington, a ...
Most people I know tried smoking at least once. Some people got addicted right away and I know from experience it is not very easy to get ov...
As you may know, last month was Breast Cancer Awareness Month. But unfortunately, breast cancer can appear any time of year. That's why ...
Up close and personal with the U.S. Health Care Trauma System October 16, 5:17 P.M. I received the call, “Your son has been hit by a car. “...
The exit polling from last Tuesday's presidential election included an item assessing voters' attitudes toward the Affordable Care A...
Among the many stories about health care heroes during Hurricane Sandy, this was my favorite: Allison Chisholm, 46, who works for the Visit...
In the October 3 issue of JAMA, Allen Detsky and Amol Verma offered " A New Model for Medical Education: Celebrating Restraint ." ...
Last week I wrote about the Massachusetts "Death with Dignity" ballot initiative. For those who are interested in the initiative ...
For anyone interested in the ethics of doctor-patient sex and the relationship between ethics and law, the recent 5-1 decision of the Supre...
My home state of Massachusetts has an initiative on the November ballot that would establish a "death with dignity" law closely m...
A few months ago I wrote an article entitled Why We Don’t Want to Get Rid of Medicare, Our Best Tool For Health Care Reform which alluded t...