My wife and I are in Vermont with two of our grandchildren visiting, so I've only just now finished reading the 193 page Supreme Court d...

My wife and I are in Vermont with two of our grandchildren visiting, so I've only just now finished reading the 193 page Supreme Court d...
With the U.S. Supreme Court having upheld the constitutionality of nearly all aspects of the Affordable Care Act yesterday, pollsters are n...
The 14th Annual LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair on Saturday, June 23rd was a wild success! Thank you again to everyone who put their time, energy, ...
Despite the best efforts of health care reform detractors, the Supreme Court looks to have upheld the insurance mandate provisions as well a...
This year, we had some wonderful raffle prizes to share! Many thanks to all who donated their products and services. After health fair parti...
When I learned last week that a friend, who is also a colleague I admire, is having major surgery today, I included this sentence in the not...
Many thanks to our lovely volunteers for putting together a fabulous 14th Annual LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair! Without your support, we could no...
Gay Pride Month provides us with a timely opportunity to highlight the important commitment that the YWCA makes in providing services to a ...
Over the past couple of weeks, we have partnered with a few more health and wellness providers. The more, the merrier! In addition to the se...
Statement from Patricia Allen-Lehman, our Rainbow Health Fair poster woman. One of my personal goals in life was to be able to help all wome...
In January I criticized the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for planning to drop the "bereavement exclusion" from the defi...
Try out different health services at the 14th Annual Rainbow Health Fair! Services will be provided by a wide array of alternative and tradi...
This morning I co-chaired a meeting of the Massachusetts Association of Health Plans (MAHP) Ethics Forum that used the Massachusetts Gift B...
Past Rainbow Health Fairs have hosted an information table full of educational resources for our community. This year, we will be hosting mo...