Health insurance exchanges, one of the two major mechanisms (along with expanded Medicaid coverage) for uninsured individuals to purchase in...

Health insurance exchanges, one of the two major mechanisms (along with expanded Medicaid coverage) for uninsured individuals to purchase in...
Good Afternoon! Click here to access the Sex, Gender and Heart Disease Prezi that compliments the PIL 2 class held on 8/23/2013, but is ope...
Happy Friday Everyone! Here is the quote of the week: "The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" -Lao Tzu Since the s...
Hello PIL 1 Students! Make sure to check out the entry below for the Intro to Sex and Gender Medicine Prezi link and additional information....
INFORMATION ABOUT SEX AND GENDER MEDICINE Hi, all! As promised, here is the link to the prezi to slowly review! S...
Recently, India has been making headlines around the world for what has been called a rape "epidemic". Rapes of the very young, fo...
Happy Friday Everyone! Today's Quote of the Week: Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the wor...
One of the ways in which the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) seeks to reduce the number of Americans without health insurance is by offe...
Happy Friday Everyone! This quote seemed appropriate with our Blog topic from earlier this week: Healing is a matter of time, but is it some...
Orthopedic Surgery is Cheaper in Belgium, a country with “Socialized Medicine” than the USA Kudos to the Seattle Times for outing the medic...
In an article recently published in the New York Times entitled Status And Stress , author Moises Velasquez-Manoff discusses chronic stress,...
Happy Friday Everyone! We will be starting a new type of post called quote of the week. These quotes are to meant to be thought provoking, ...