Via Political Wire, I learned of a new poll on attitudes toward the Affordable Care Act. The poll was released by a publication call The Mo...

Via Political Wire, I learned of a new poll on attitudes toward the Affordable Care Act. The poll was released by a publication call The Mo...
The Kaiser Family Foundation has released the first of four planned surveys over the next two years of California residents currently witho...
Happy Friday Everyone! Hopefully everyone will find time to relax this weekend. Here is the quote of the week: “One of the most courageous ...
If you attended our first Seminar Series, Gender Jeopardy you may remember this 1000 point question: This bacteria affects older people, ...
Via Huffpollster, here are some recent commentaries on what the polls are showing about the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) and governme...
We recently had the pleasure of discussing two very interesting articles presented to us by 4th year students Natalie Beaty and Rachel Danis...
What would you think was being talked about if you read the following: "I got to come out...It used to terrify me, what people's re...
A few days ago, I wrote about a Pew Research Center/ USA Today poll that attempted to gauge the intensity with which opponents of the Affo...
As promised, here is part 2 of our "best of" entries (check out best of Queen Lane from yesterday if you haven't already!) Dur...
The Foundation for Women's Wellness (FWW) is currently accepting applications for both research and fellowship awards in women's hea...
Our first seminar series for the 2013-2014 was last night! Thanks for those who came out and if you were not able to make it, please come jo...
Having children is an event that many in Americans choose to embark upon and has been built into the "typical" model of the Ameri...
With the sign-up period for uninsured people (who aren't otherwise eligible for Medicaid) to join health care marketplaces called "...
Female condoms are the lesser known and used version of the male counterpart. When used effectively, planned parenthood estimates that 5 out...
Alex Harrington , currently a second year student at DUCOM recently shared the details of his amazing summer Internship with us. Through th...
Ten Things Health Care Consumers May Not Know About the Accountable Care Act The Accountable Care Act is perhaps the most meaningful of the...
GET READY! The Women's Health Seminar Series starts on Tuesday, September 17th! We are very excited about our upcoming topics for this ...
New book offers CliffsNotes look at Obamacare | - Work
Kidney stones are a growing medical concern for women. Over the last 7 years, there has been a significant increase in the number of women w...
Happy Friday everyone! Here is the quote of the week: "When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, o...
The Women's Health Scholars Program has been getting a lot of attention lately and we are very excited about all of your interest! So fo...
The Jewish New Year - Rosh Hashanah – starts this evening, and the New York Times featured a front page article on “Bar Mitzvahs Get a New...