Breaking News
Monday, 23 November 2009

Drew Altman on President Obama's Leadership

There's been lots of debate as to whether the President has been a wise leader or a wimpy neophyte in the health reform process. I've felt that as discombobulated as things have been, we couldn't realistically hope for a more linear unfolding, and that the President is doing things right.

In his superb series of "Pulling it Together" columns, Drew Altman, President and CEO of the Kaiser Family Foundation, nailed the leadership issue earlier today. He argues that President Obama has been wise to keep his cards close to his chest so far, and that the time to come on strong about his detailed positions will be "when there is a bill in conference; then again when that bill moves from conference to the floor of the House and the Senate and is the focus of intense lobbying and national debate." It's a (short) column well worth reading.(See here for the column.)


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