Rainbow Health Fair Needs You! Dear Friends in Health: We are excite...
A Controversial Proposal about Complementary Medicine
A controversial proposal about complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) will be the hot item today and tomorrow at the annual meeting of...
Learning from Massachusetts Health Reform
The Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Massachusetts has just published a report on the first five years of Massachusetts health reform. ...
Zeke Emanuel on Health Reform
Zeke Emanuel provides an excellent piece of public education about the potential for improved quality of care and cost savings in a recent N...
Public Altruism about Health Care is Alive and Well
Four days ago I discussed Medicare beneficiaries who think about Medicare in terms of future generations and the common good, not just in t...
An Open and Fruitful Discussion
Hi All, First off, kudos to Iris, Shayne and Yeshika for coordinating a terrific session last night. Also kudos to our panelists - Matt, Emi...
Via Talking Points Memo , a new CNN/ORC poll (November 11-13) shows 52% of Americans supporting the individual-mandate component of the 201...
At the most recent Association of American Medical Colleges conferences, there was a presentation by Joseph Gerry from Vitalsmarts who tal...
Mitt Romney on the Veterans Health System
By temperament I'm an optimist, but Republican pronouncements on health care, like Mitt Romney's proposal for privatizing the Vetera...
Do Medicare Beneficiaries Only Think About Themselves?
This week I spoke with a friend about my conviction that U.S. political process needs a voice from Medicare beneficiaries advocating for a p...
Sister Margaret McBride Speaks Out
Fundamentalist certainty is an understandable, but dangerous, stance in a world that William James famously described as a "one great b...
Union Health Plans and Health System Ethics
On November 1 I blogged about how much I looked forward to meeting the next day with union leaders responsible for overseeing union health ...
Can We Afford High Cost Pharmaceuticals?
I'm in New Orleans, to meet tomorrow with a group of union leaders who oversee union health plans. They will have read, or at least - I ...