Breaking News
Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Learning from Massachusetts Health Reform

The Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Massachusetts has just published a report on the first five years of Massachusetts health reform. The report provides valuable lessons about how U.S. society can learn to improve access and set limits on costs. It's crucial for us to understanding the learning curve for health reform. Reforming the health system isn't primarily an intellectual challenge. The difficulties are mainly in our own psyches, and among the different players on the health care chess board.

As I see it, the key aspect of Massachusetts health reform is the process by which it came about. Prior to passage of the 2006 law, there were several years of discussions, reports, conferences, committee meetings, and more. From this combination of education, argument and deliberation, what emerged was a consensus that government, employers, and individuals had to share responsibility for making things better. And, at least as important, all that interaction created some trust among the key parties and a culture of civility that is all-too-lacking in the pathetic national non-dialogue on federal reform. The term "Obamacare" is a symptom of the lack of dialogue and civility.

In terms of shared sacrifice: individuals accepted a mandate that we be insured; employers accepted a requirement that they provide insurance or pay into a state pool; and the state accepted responsibility for subsidizing low income folks and for creating a mechanism - the Connector - to administer the new forms of insurance that were made available.

Massachusetts has reduced its uninsured population to 1.9%, compared to the shameful national average of 16.3%. The cost of the subsidized insurance has gone up 3% per year, significantly lower than the national average. Approval of the 2006 law has remained steady at two thirds of the adult population.

Massachusetts explicitly chose to tackle coverage before squaring off with cost. The five year report documents that coverage is relatively "solved." Now the state is turning its attention to cost.

It looks to me as if we're approaching the cost problem the way we approached coverage - with LOTS of talk. We've had multiple reports, all of which say much the same thing - that providers with market clout get paid high prices without delivering comparably superior outcomes, that the entire system has a great deal of waste, and that cost escalation is strangling the businesses, public agencies, and individuals, who pay for care. As I wrote back in March, Massachusetts is the jawboning capital of the western world (see here).

Wise psychotherapists understand that dealing with the resistance to change is the hard part of the work. Once resistances have been dealt with, things get easier. And the late management guru Tony Athos described Japanese management style in the same way - LOTS of process to bring about consensus and then much smoother implementation than we see with our "process-lite" U.S. approach.

I believe, and hope, that what we're seeing in Massachusetts now with with regard to health care costs is creating the human and social infrastructure we need to get a grip on costs. The next report, five years from now, will reveal whether this is true or not.

(The five year report, written by my former colleague Alan Raymond, is very readable. If you're interested in learning more about Massachusetts health reform, take a look.)


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